April 25, 2012

IGNITE: Littlefield

April 22nd AIM4India hosted its second Youth Rally in Littlefield, Texas at Laguna Park.

And three-hundred people ... young and old ... filled the park with blankets and lawn chairs to worship with “We As One” and hear GW speak.  Everyone received a free AIM4India t-shirt and a hot dog [or two] and night of fellowship and fun!

It was an AMAZING night!  

The WT Team and FBC Sunday youth group worked hard to get everything set up and cooked in time for the Youth Rally.  A BIG thanks to everyone for the help!


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We As One” was awesome ...

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And the Lord spoke TRUTH through GW.  His story is gripping.  The words he spoke were raw.  And true.  Cars stopped in the street and the kids couldn’t take their eyes off of him ...


The band played again.  An altar call was given.  And kids flooded the stage to speak and pray with the youth counselors. 

They are hungry for TRUTH.

God is very much ALIVE and His Spirit filled Laguna Park Sunday evening!
Please continue to be in prayer for the kids that made decisions Sunday evening and the ones that are still wrestling with the words that God spoke through GW.

It was an amazing night!

April 3, 2012

IGNITE: Muleshoe

Sunday night over one hundred people filled the Bailey County Coliseum for a night of fellowship with one another, a night of fun, a night of food and free AIM4India t-shirts, and a night of worship with the band 180-4-Christ!

Each person came intending on having a little fun with their friends.

Many left with changed lives.

It was an AMAZING night!!!

* * * * * * * * * *

Free AIM4India t-shirts were handed out at the registration table...

The WT Team getting the hot dogs ready for the rally.  And ... ahem ... it looks like they may have been testing out their work.

The First Baptist Church of Sudan Youth Group really rallied together to make our first AIM4India Youth Rally a success.  They were up at the coliseum the whole afternoon setting up the stage and helping prep for the hot dogs and making signs and handing out flyers.  They really wanted IGNITE to be a success.  So thanks guys!

Here are a couple of the girls in the youth group hanging out before IGNITE started ...

And then the kids started flooding in ...

Kids and adults of all ages packed the coliseum ...

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180-4-Christ was AWESOME!

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They watched a Francis Chan clip over persecuted Christians from around the world.  Gripping ...

And then God gripped their hearts through GW, his story and his words ...

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The room was silent as he spoke.

And after his last words were spoken and the band started playing kids flooded the altar with questions and fears and prayer and hope and tears.

It. was. amazing.

God is amazing!  And He is at work in the hearts of many of the kids that were at the Youth Rally.  So please be in prayer for them.  Although you may not know them by name, God knows. 

"I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them."
1 Timothy 2:1

March 17, 2012

Pastor’s Conference

This morning, March 17th, AIM hosted its first ever Pastor’s Conference in Muleshoe, Texas.  Fifteen brothers and sisters from Texas to California gathered together to  listen one man’s story that only God could write and the Ambassador's of Indian Mission [AIM] vision that God created through that testimony.  The people in attendance were from many different backgrounds and churches and towns but God brought each one of us together today for a reason. 

Each and every one there was served an amazing testimony, a tasty rib eye steak and a little bit of what God is doing in and through AIM.

Opening introductions by Billy Tiller …

GW’s morning session …


A few of the guys from the West Texas team cooking up some steaks …


Lunch time …

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Guthry Edwards from the West Texas team speaking …


AIM President, Pastor John Hall closing our day …


AIM is truly grateful for the men and women that came together on a Saturday morning to attend our first Pastor’s Conference in West Texas.  We are hopeful for many new anchors and allies in our quest to bring education to the ‘least of these’ in India.

What an amazing day of fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ!

"Give thanks to the Lord for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever."
Psalm 118:1

March 5, 2012

King’s Trail Cowboy Church

AIM had the opportunity to preach at King’s Trail Cowboy Church in Whitewright, Texas on Sunday morning, March 4th.

We've always read about the day of Pentecost but to see it happen LIVE at Kings Trail Cowboy Church, it's hard to explain ... at a complete loss for words.

What a Sunday! What a mighty God we serve!

The morning was phenomenal. Crowds had started pouring in about 8.30 am.  A little before 10 am, a group of about 50 men along with the pastoral team and AIM group gathered together at the porch to seek God's mighty power for their worship.  The Spirit's anointing was unmistakably evident. It was raw, It was happening .... The ministry of Spirit was unprecedented ..... it's been a long time since we had experienced the Holy Spirit so powerfully in a church!

But God wasn't done!

There were about 900 seated and another 100 standing at the back and sides of the church. What a crowd!

Upon the altar call invitation, many people walked out to the front to rededicate their lives to Christ. The pastoral team standing in the front received them and prayed with them. In fact one pastor told me that there were a few who received Christ as Lord and Savior for the first time in their lives.

It was Church on fire for God!

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If you are looking specifically for a Cowboy Church.....KINGS TRAIL COWBOY CHURCH, in Whitewright, TX awaits you.

Praise God for their dynamic leadership and dedicated pastoral team as they seek God to partner with AIM in the long-term.